A very, very quick little mention of an issue I've realised with my blog... I've become aware that since changing my URL I'm pretty sure my blog posts aren't appearing on your blog feeds (GFC users) :(! I have signed up to feedburner and I'm hoping this will help resolve the issue. (Update: Resolved just as this posted as far as I'm aware!? I think all my 2 weeks of posts have just gone onto your feeds?! Appologies if they have as that's going to be annoying ... haha! Let me know if it didn't come up on yours / did!)

   Secondly, I though I'd share a discount that I just used on Amazon (UK), which is 20% off clothing or shoes if you sign up to their newsletter here. It's valid for 30 days of receiving it (from what I can remember) and there are probably some restrictions on the usage of the code, so look at the Ts &Cs. 

   I managed to get some Dr Martens for £46.36 (ish?!). I've been thinking about getting them for a while now, as I'm such a boot wearer, but they're a bit pricey so I wanted to wait for a discount like the one I found to come out before splurging! I'm aware this is still quite pricey (I rarely spend more than £30 on a pair of shoes) but Docs are made to last and I'm sure I'll wear them a lot. I'm selling some of my unused shoes on eBay soon too, so I'm sure that will counteract the cost!

   Here they are in all their glory! I got them in matte black, size 5 for anyone wondering. I'm so excited to wear them, but not so excited about wearing them in haha. I've set a click through link to the product from the image if anyone else wanted to buy them / have a gander!

   Let me know if your use the offer and what you buy, as I'm so nosey, I'd genuinely love to know :)! Also, a quick mention that I have filmed a 'haul' video, I'm yet to edit it but it should be on my youtube channel in the next few days!


  1. I clicked on this post through my blog feed, so you're on mine!

    1. Oh good! It literally just started working when I posted this from what I hear haha! Convenient :P! xx

  2. INSANE JEALOUSY. I want these, but white onessss. x




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